Microsoft Inspire 2018 Las Vegas Event: Microsoft Ready internal sales

Microsoft Inspire 2018 Las Vegas Event: Microsoft Ready internal sales

Microsoft Inspire 2018 Global Partner Conference was held on July 15-19, 2018 in Las Vegas, NV. This annual event, just wrapped up in Las Vegas, where it was combined for the first time with the Microsoft Ready internal sales event.

Thousands of Microsoft employees, active and prospective partners and industry experts gathered in the T-Mobile Arena to hear how Microsoft and its technologies are helping companies worldwide to transform their businesses and empower their employees for the digital-first, mobile-first world. The event kicked off with a series of corenotes from key Microsoft executives, including Gavriella Schuster, corporate vice president, One Commercial Partner program.

The conference unveiled a wide range of updates in its products and partner programs. Product updates span Azure, Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365 and other business applications. As for the partner program updates, a key focus is on helping channel partners to specialize in order to boost profitability as well as on accelerating the joint selling of solutions between partners and Microsoft salespeople.

Microsoft plans to further strengthen the partner network by introducing new programs, tools and resources, such as new e-books about digital transformation, practice development playbooks and a fresh approach to showcasing partners with specialized expertise beyond a Microsoft Gold competency level. In addition, the company will introduce a Microsoft Azure Expert Managed Service Providers program for partners with highly specialized capabilities; flexible benefits packages for partners with competencies that add access to go-to-market services as core benefits; and an upgraded AppSource marketplace that will feature third-party partner solutions alongside Microsoft’s own solutions in its product catalogue. This will enable Microsoft’s direct salesforce and reseller partners to sell both first- and third-party solutions individually or combined.

“Going through the massive reorganization means that Microsoft and channel partners are now in an even better position for growth in the coming year – something Microsoft is hoping to ramp up even further by bringing its own salespeople together with partners at Inspire this year for the first time,” said Schuster.

eSense was courteously invited to attend Microsoft Inspire 2018 where Mr. Mohammad Banat, Chief Executive Officer of eSense Software received Microsoft Country Partner of the Year award for Saudi Arabia by Gavriella Schuster.

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